Natrukkah N Adumanukkah livin tha Trace Lyfestyle.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
y0utube n shiT
chek tha fuk out our new youtube page n shIT f0 tiTe skrills n tiTe vids x0:
Friday, February 10, 2012
Here is a tribute video daT we made f0 MIA s0 that we can b in ha nXXXt video.
Here is a tribute video daT we made f0 MIA s0 that we can b in ha nXXXt video.
Produced by uS and tha MAGICLA Spenca Kennedy wh0 made it a fukin tite video n shit. WATCH OUT FO US WORLD WATCH THA FUKOUT
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
MinuiXXX pr0m0 V!d (as u a!nt neva s33n ha bef0)
you may n0 minuiXXX from modellin ads & runway sh0ws such as:
& shiT.
m0 recenTly gracin tha c0vas 0f pl@yb0y magaz!ne
buTchu ainT EVA seen ha like dis
enj0y dis new conTemp0rary arT projecT creaTed by masTablasTaminds naTrukkuh n aduminukkuh (Trace othawise).
f333l fukin free to call fo b00kingz: 696-9696-969 x0
Monday, December 5, 2011
Trac3 n roXXXane take 0va NYC!!!
d!s is jusT an eXXXampla of wuT happenz when tw0 Trac3s BLAST in NYC:
da sTory of da niTE:
roXXXane n Trac3 were feelin pretty FUKIN evacu8ed all it was roXXXane's (aka jail) last niTe in fukin ny, we wanted to domiTrace n 0ur evacuation was makin us consida n0t g0in out...until DIS:
waTch out fo dis shit... itll make a trukkuh s0 fukin st0ked on they lives daT they blasT f0eva.
wiT sum crystals n ch33secake, that trukkuhs were redy t0 blast!
wiT creaTiviTy at full blasT and tha p3ak 0f crysTallization with waiTin fo tha subway, tha h0es decided t0 make a d0cumenTraceion of roXXXane n Trac3's signatcha duo s0ng called "muh uh uh"also herd by many as Trac3's ringt0ne, and made a fukin arTistic video t0 g0 al0ng with da shiT...ENJ0Y!!
da sTory of da niTE:
waTch out fo dis shit... itll make a trukkuh s0 fukin st0ked on they lives daT they blasT f0eva.
wiT sum crystals n ch33secake, that trukkuhs were redy t0 blast!
wiT creaTiviTy at full blasT and tha p3ak 0f crysTallization with waiTin fo tha subway, tha h0es decided t0 make a d0cumenTraceion of roXXXane n Trac3's signatcha duo s0ng called "muh uh uh"also herd by many as Trac3's ringt0ne, and made a fukin arTistic video t0 g0 al0ng with da shiT...ENJ0Y!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
thanXXX fukin givin n shiT
y0 truXXX,
dis is a time when chu g0ta pay yo respecTs n shiT, stay tru, and neva f0rget where yo crysTalz blasTed from.
Here is a list of trukkuhs chu shud pray t0 when prayin fo dis speshla 0ccasion:
1. Trac3 ChrisT

2. y0 family:
3. tha crysTal snaTcha (there !s 0nly one of dese...): caTch ha snaTchin XXXtra fo tha p00r children on easT hasTings on dis 0ccasion.
4. 0ctavia tha squa$h: make an eXXXception from tha NE4E lifesTyle and she will evacu8 str8 tha fuk outch0 sal0ndr0n.
5. xquA: _
6. Minuiwukkuh (she'll protect ch0 h0use from shiT n shit)
7. Any trac3's chu may n0, includin ch0self:
8. Felicia: chu may sp0T ha at tha 69th parallel.
& lasT but n0t tha FUK leasT:
r00sta tha r00sta f0 d0in a sacrifice so chall can be nouri$hed n shiT n stayin away from N343 f0 at least 0ne crysTal.
stay tru trukkuhs!
trac3's....n shiT
dis is a time when chu g0ta pay yo respecTs n shiT, stay tru, and neva f0rget where yo crysTalz blasTed from.
Here is a list of trukkuhs chu shud pray t0 when prayin fo dis speshla 0ccasion:
1. Trac3 ChrisT

2. y0 family:
3. tha crysTal snaTcha (there !s 0nly one of dese...): caTch ha snaTchin XXXtra fo tha p00r children on easT hasTings on dis 0ccasion.
4. 0ctavia tha squa$h: make an eXXXception from tha NE4E lifesTyle and she will evacu8 str8 tha fuk outch0 sal0ndr0n.
5. xquA: _
6. Minuiwukkuh (she'll protect ch0 h0use from shiT n shit)
7. Any trac3's chu may n0, includin ch0self:
8. Felicia: chu may sp0T ha at tha 69th parallel.
& lasT but n0t tha FUK leasT:
r00sta tha r00sta f0 d0in a sacrifice so chall can be nouri$hed n shiT n stayin away from N343 f0 at least 0ne crysTal.
stay tru trukkuhs!
trac3's....n shiT
Monday, September 5, 2011
One time I met dis b!tch:
Her name is fukin XQua. M0st nukkahz believe her tru fuKin name iz Xianghua but it a!nt. Get to kno th!s b!tch because she mite fuk!n approaCh y0u iF u fuk wit us. XQua can also appear in a more realistic f0rmation such as:
or d!s:
however, chu are m0st lik3ly to caTch an XQua on a fuk!n 3lephant.
XQua likes to sTay t!te by f!ndin templ3z t0 sQuail on. u can alm0st alwayz catch ha h3re, saying ha fav0rite quoteeshia (00:33):
sumTimez chu jusT g0tta reaLize: if chu call dis bitch Xianghua, M!nuikkah w!ll have 0pini0nz abouT it.
If chu need pr0pa pr0ncounciTraceion on tha nam3, ask Natrukkah or da b!tchez in tha fUkin ph0t0graphs.
Friday, August 26, 2011
D0NT FUKIN HAVE 0pin!onZ YET . THA RETURN OF TRACE CHR!sT WILL blasT YO A$$ wen CHU L3AsT EXXXpecT!n. b fuK!n prePared t0 gaT y0 fuk!n ey3balz rIte tha fuK outch0 f@CEs!!!
pce n bless!ngz!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
UPDATEQUAASHIA!!!:: Minuiwukkuh $candal
Kasia Klemarewski aka K@$h m0n@y has evacuated to Californukkuh, presumablondron cuz ha a$$ cudnt handla all the drama surroundin ha affair wit Minuiwukkuh. Dis makes on wonda wus tru bcuz why wud she n33d to evacuate if she didnt do dat sh!t??? Chu answa dat.
Meanwhile, there has b33n sum advancemaquashons with Minuiwukkuh n Natrukkuh. Reportedly, when Minuiwukkuh asked Natrukkuh how she cud make it up to ha a$$ she said dis, "Chu have to eat Simon shit and then barf in mah vagina." Dis video sh0ws Simon producin tha sh!t fo Minuiwukkuh:
We still do not n0 wus gon happen in dis drama, but we h0pe fo da besT....we gon hav to wait till Kash Money cums bak from Californukkuh so we can gat ha and find out the truth.
Chu no chu trust mah weave.
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