mi$$ion trac3menT

To all tha Trac3's in tha w0rld:

Chall may wonda why tha FUK we made dis bl0g.
Sho, we wanTed to make sho nukkuhs n0 wuT Trac3 is, and n0 where shiT like 0ur slang came fr0m when chu seein iT on faceb00k or some1 chu m33t says shit daTchu herd and th0t it s0unded like a Trac3 but that ainT all of it.
Dese days, we find nukkuhs take shiT t00 seriously. In 0ur lives, we've had many nukkuhs take life t00 seriously and seen h0w unhappy it made dem, and we've had timez like daT t00.
Fo each0tha (Natrukkuh n Aduminukkuh), by m33tin each0tha and findin what is n0w Trac3, we have eXXXpl0red a side 0f us we always suppre$$3d. A humorous and unu$ual side that shiT like high sk00l and s0cieTy made us hide fo s0 l0ng bef0 meeTin each0tha. Laughin at shiT that cud be taken seriously is a way fo us t0 make lighT of hard situTraceions, and reminds us that in the end, life ainT s0 fukin bad!
Basical0ndr0n, we wanT chall to feel as g00d as we make eachoTha feel, and we h0pe if chu and chall friends (imaginary or r3al) can use this mindset (mindseT:wuTeva), that chall may find choself happier and dealin wiT hard tim3z in a benefiTraceial way!
WE love chall and wish chall all da besT!
Aduminukkuh & Natrukkuh

** In English
Dearest friends:
Some of you may wonder why we made this website. Unsurprisingly, we made it because we saw many people using our language and jokes, and although we liked seeing it spread, we wanted to make sure people knew where it came from, and also had something to refer to so they could understand it as well. However, the main reason for making this sight was more kind-hearted than that. Natalie and I have found that people in the world take life too seriously, and we have seen the negative impact it has had on their lives. This is natural, but we have found that making light of hard situations, and making the effort to laugh at things that may seem unlaughable, can make life much easier. It is also about exploring your humorous side, which perhaps you have or do suppress. We want you all to have fun with your friends and to laugh and be happy! If you can do this by talking in a certain way, making jokes about certain things, and even taking silly pictures you find funny, then that is wonderful! Ultimately, we want you to feel as happy as we make eachother :)
Love always,
Natalie & Adam