Friday, January 28, 2011

Quote of the Traceday

"There waz one night wen i h00ked up with a nuk and dint even kno what his f@ce l00ked like"

dun m3ss wit a we@k tr@c3 in tha mornin......

Dis mornin, Montreal tr@c3 Zolondron w@s gittin ha grub cuz she was too we@k to breathe...and the dumba$$ plebe c00k didnt no how to cook ha egg$ rite!
Tr@c3 sh0wed ha a$$ wh0's B0$$ and screamed at tha nukkah, "GIMME MAH EGGS RITE O IMMA GATCHU". Zolondron pulled out ha gat, threatened dis plebe, and got ha eggs tastin so tite she was floatin same way Adaminukkuh n Natrukkuh do on tha tr3adm!ll.
Zolondron teaches Traces how to git wus right n tite, n teaches Untracelike Nukkahs (plebes) not to fuck wit us, specialondron in tha mornin.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quote of the TraceDay

"Flyin Trace airlines nex time cuz they give you gats wit yo peanuts..."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Trace makes contact with a number one InspirTraceion: Rye Rye

While Natrukkah was Traceb00kin this evening she noticed a new p0st by one of her b!ggest inspirTraceions, Rye Rye. Natrukkah t00k this opportunitalondron as any Trace should and was the first to make a comment on the posting. This is what p0pped:

Trace: i fucking love you Rye Rye

Rye Rye: love you more nat nat ;)

Trace: keep it p0ppin gurl

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lady Trace making an appearance on Saturday Nights

Sn3@k p3@k: Guys and Dolls Saturdays at Oasis promo shoot. Lady Trace will be taking your c0ats at the d00r for 3 crystalZ. Tip a Trace. P3ace and blessingz!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Glad t0 s33 that 0ur greatest inspirTraceion Britnukkah stayin p0ppin with a newly leaked tellacious song:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011


Welcome to our lyfestyle.
Many of you have been curious as to what exactly a Trace is. So Adumanukkah and I decided to help you find out. Could you be a Trace? Discover yourself.