One time I met dis b!tch:
Her name is fukin XQua. M0st nukkahz believe her tru fuKin name iz Xianghua but it a!nt. Get to kno th!s b!tch because she mite fuk!n approaCh y0u iF u fuk wit us. XQua can also appear in a more realistic f0rmation such as:
or d!s:
however, chu are m0st lik3ly to caTch an XQua on a fuk!n 3lephant.
XQua likes to sTay t!te by f!ndin templ3z t0 sQuail on. u can alm0st alwayz catch ha h3re, saying ha fav0rite quoteeshia (00:33):
sumTimez chu jusT g0tta reaLize: if chu call dis bitch Xianghua, M!nuikkah w!ll have 0pini0nz abouT it.
If chu need pr0pa pr0ncounciTraceion on tha nam3, ask Natrukkah or da b!tchez in tha fUkin ph0t0graphs.