d!s is jusT an eXXXampla of wuT happenz when tw0 Trac3s BLAST in NYC:
da sTory of da niTE:
roXXXane n Trac3 were feelin pretty FUKIN evacu8ed all day...as it was roXXXane's (aka jail) last niTe in fukin ny, we wanted to domiTrace n 0ur evacuation was makin us consida n0t g0in out...until DIS:
waTch out fo dis shit... itll make a trukkuh s0 fukin st0ked on they lives daT they blasT f0eva.
wiT sum crystals n ch33secake, that trukkuhs were redy t0 blast!
wiT creaTiviTy at full blasT and tha p3ak 0f crysTallization with waiTin fo tha subway, tha h0es decided t0 make a d0cumenTraceion of roXXXane n Trac3's signatcha duo s0ng called "muh uh uh"also herd by many as Trac3's ringt0ne, and made a fukin arTistic video t0 g0 al0ng with da shiT...ENJ0Y!!