animla k!ngd0m

many of chu iz confused bout wut we talkin bout wen we talkin Shaylas, Buckles, Trishs, etc. so read tha fuck and learn: 

Shayla: tha Guinee Pig (shes the one who wears corseTs around town)

Buckle: tha Mountain Goat (she often threatens to ram chu if u dont feed ha 31 of Trish's legs. Wen a Buckle is standin in Trace Stance chu know that she is ready to ram and she will ram chu in Trace Stance if chu don't feed ha Trish's legz)

Trish: tha Centipeed (she usually has 69 legz not a hundred cuz i gat them sumtimez n feed em to Buckle.they all on tha left side too)

Simon: tha Iguana 

Sea Anenamee: tha Bitch

Roosta: tha Roosta 

Minuit aka Minuiwukkah, aka Tarantula is my GF

And if chall is confused a$ to h0w all d3se animals c@m3 2 b3 dis is how:

0nce up0n a weave, lil Tri$h r0amed tha univer$e, then one day she met Selina tha Mu$hroom. Selina said, "If chu foll0w mah a$$, I will sh0 chu which mushrooms will make chu gr0w and turn into a guinea pig." Tri$h knew she had to be tru to ha peopla so she ate dem shr00ms and then all of a sudden she turned into a $hayla. neXXXt, 69 years afta Selina d!ed, $hayla ran into Selina;s daughta, a transvestide mu$hroom named Juan (b0rn Juanita), who sh0wed $hayla tha ways. He said: "$hayla, I trust chu. First imma tell chu I was born a bitch, and now imma tell chu that if chu eat dem mu$hrooms with tha purpla sp0ts, chu will turn into a R00sta. " And she did. $he became, R00sta tha r00sta, who makes shamp00 out of his sh!t, to keep al tha animlas lushuz. neXXXt, r00sta tha r00sta met Juan's boyfriend namedJoe, wh0 was a wh!t3 mu$hroom and said to r00sta tha r00sta, "if chu sh!t on mah head 2 give me lushus weave i will tell chu h0w to become an Iguana." $0 he did, and then r00sta tha r00sta became $imon the Iguana. $imon the iguana lived a l0nely life and decided that the warm climate didnt hav wut he n33ded, s0 he migrated up t0 the n0rth where there wus mountains n sh!t. 0ne day while climbin up a mountain, he m3t a $wedish Berry named Lucia, wh0 told him that if he ate a certain Berry he cud turn int0 a M0untain g0at, and feed his animla kingdom wit milk. Simon wanted the pr0tein so that his peppla cud be strong n shit, so he did wut he had to do. That was the day that Simon became Buckle, and Buckle went back to tha rest of tha animlas, and kept them tite. Minuiwukkuh tha tarantula came lata....and to dis day, tha animla's of tha Trace Animal Kingdom is strong cuz they drink buckle milk each mornin fo breakfa$t, and telavious from Ina's berries. That is tha metamorph0sis fo h0w all dese animals came to B.