Monday, February 21, 2011

How to talk to @n Iguana.

Just incase chu wuz wonderin, talkin to an Iguana is an art and U dunt WaNNa FUcK sh!t up. So heRe are a Few basiC st3pz to h3lp YO TRUKKAH ASSES OUT:


1. Tha appRoach: quick N slow.
2. Tha st@nce: Tr@ce stance. if u dunt no wut dis is by n0w u beTta evacuatecho lyfe.
3. Tha communiquashia: Dis cud be Tr!cky cuz most Iguanas iz qu!te de@f so u Have to yell with yo loudest sh0ut!!!! (NoTe: alllll Iguanas namez is SIMON. n0t Trace. Iguanas is tha only TrAce animalondrallon that we CANNOT call TrAce cuz if chu do they fe3l disrespected and they gun HATCHU and when igUanas HATCHU yo may as well GATCHO own Weave r!te tha FuK out yo Skull) anywayz m0st Iguana like it wen u m@ke sum s0rta stAtement sUch as "Y0 CH33KBONEZ IS POPPIN TODAY SIMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" juSt kiddin they actulondralon HATE dat sh!t cause all Iguanas KNo they ch33kbonez is P0ppin and they fe3l diSrespected When U make Obviousondrallonquayquay stateMents to they Asses. A staTement such as: "I GaTED Y0 PleBE ASS NUkkah AUNT SIMON tha Otha N!te then st0le all HA CRYSTALzzzz!!!!!!!!" wouLd be betta.
4. Tha touch: quick N slow

N0te: make sure to stay in propa TraCe stance tha EntIrelondron tyme othawiZe Simon feelz disrespected and will HATCHU!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Natrukkah was serchin fo crystalz when...

she came acr0ss something wich was so tru and r!te that the crystal snatcha haself wouldav given at least 69 crystalz 4. Wen Natrukkah waz a ch!ld she was request3d and f0rced to g0 t0 sk00l and sum say wuz eve3n forCed to cre@te "projects". lukily she man@ged to stay tru to ha beliefs and truk thru it as ne Trace shUd. The phoT0 above represtondrallons jUst this. when a professondranuk asks u t0 r33d tha papa u betta show tha nuk wus g00d in tha real w0rld.
Iguana 4 lyfe s!nce birTh.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

just inc@se u wuz wonderin....

if Natrukkah and Adumanukkah had to be a f!sh on oppositondrallon day they would be the BARAQUANNAH becauz dat f!sh eAts everyth!ng in SiTe. w@tch tha FUcK 0ut!!!Tru.
Note: t33th like the legz of a T@rantula. st@yin t!te.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

qu0t3 0f th@ tr@c3 d@yY

"Jus b3 p33pin tr@ce pagealondron in pol!t!cs cla$$ l!f3$tyl3. !t be s0 p0pp!n I laughed 0ut l0ud. pl3b3 sitt!n next to m3 B star!n so I riPPed ha w3ave out n g@tted ha ugly boynukkah. Tru."
fr0m ch@rl0ndr0n in 0tt@w@.
k33p !t t!t3 gurl.
$!d3 n0t3: ch@rl0ndr0n's f@c3 is blurry cuz sh3 b3 flo@t!n n ha f@c3 b3 di$$ap3ar!n as a re$ult 0f th@ Neva Eat Fo Eva l!f3$tyl3.

Monday, February 14, 2011